FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OF $50! Pro-Series Pre-Workout - Fruit Punch


Try Life Nation's

and you’ll find you have more energy

for longer periods of time, more focus,

and no jitters or crashes after, 

for an improved physical performance!

Are you tired of the crash you get after using your pre-workout?

Are you scared to use pre-workout because you’re afraid of getting the “jitters”?      

Do you want more focus and energy to train harder & longer?

Have you noticed your supplements contain artificial colors, flavors, fillers or sweeteners?

Do you work out hard to be healthy, and don’t want to put cancer-causing chemicals back into your body?

If you said “Yes” to any of these questions,

our Pro Series Pre-workout is for you!

Our Pro Series Pre-workout supplements are scientifically formulated to help to limit fatigue during workouts, boost muscle power, and pump more blood to the muscles during your workouts for longer, stronger sessions to help you reach your goals!

We scientifically formulated our products, and source our ingredients from the USA, so we know what goes into every single scoop, including:


What is Creatine?

Creatine is natural supplement used to boost athletic performance, and one of the safest sports supplements available.  It can boost brain performance, help fight certain neurological diseases, improve exercise performance and accelerate muscle growth. 

How does Creatine work?

Creatine works by increasing the muscle cell size through increased cell hydration, lowering myostatin levels, increasing muscle growth potential. It enables more total work or volume in a single training session, a key factor in long-term muscle growth.

Who can use Creatine?

Supplementing with Creatine is not just for bodybuilders – other athletes can benefit from it as well, like swimmers, tennis, skiing, wrestling, boxing, kickboxing, football or soccer players.  Creatine supplementation can increase your strength, power and muscle size, making it useful for sports athletes.  It allows for maximum muscle output on short 30 second bursts, making it great for weight training. Stronger pumps = bigger muscles.

How much should I take?

Experts say Creatine can give you the most benefit with supplemented through a “loading phase” of 20g – 25g per day for Week 1; then a “maintenance phase” of 2.5g – 5g per day. 

Life Nation’s Pro Series Pre-Workout contains 2.5g of Creatine per serving, the perfect amount to help you with your daily maintenance phase.


What is Taurine?

Taurine is a naturally occurring amino acid found in many foods like shellfish, and found in several organs within the body.  It is directly responsible for maintaining your electrolyte balance in your cells, aiding in digestion, helping to reduce blood pressure, supporting the function of your central nervous system and eyes, and regulating your immune system health. 

It’s an essential amino acid, meaning we make it ourselves within our bodies, but not enough quantities to support our hard workouts.

How does Taurine work?

Besides some of its other great health benefits, Taurine can cause muscles to work harder and longer, reducing fatigue and muscle damage during a workout. It also helps to increase fat burning during exercise, up to 16% more in one study by the National Institute of Health[1], and there is less muscle soreness after exercising by removing the toxic acid buildup faster.

How much should I take?

The dosage for Taurine supplementation can be anywhere from 500mg-3,000mg per day.

Life Nation’s Pro Series Pre-Workouts contain 500mg of Taurine per serving.

Citrulline Malate

What is Citrulline Malate?

Citrulline is an amino acid produced by the body and also found in some fruits and vegetables likes watermelon and cucumbers.

How does it work?

It plays an important role in exercise as part of the urea cycle, ridding your body of harmful compounds. Citrulline also helps widen your blood vessels, lower blood pressure, and increase blood flow. It is also converted in the body to Arginine, which is converted into nitric-oxide, expanding your blood vessels for stronger pumps.

Citrulline can also increase growth hormone after exercising.[2]

Why do we combine Citrulline with Malic Acid?

Citrulline supplements come in two forms: Citrulline, by itself, and Citrulline combined with Malic Acid (Citrulline Malate). We prefer this form of the supplement because it increases nitric-oxide, which allows increases blood flow allowing for stronger pumps, and is thought to increase nutrient delivery to the cells and clear waste products that are related to fatigue, decreasing muscle soreness after a good workout.

How much should I take?

The recommended dosage of Citrulline supplements for weight training is 8g/day.

Life Nation’s Pro Series Pre-Workout contains 6g of Citrulline Malate per serving. When combined with our BCAA intra-workout drink, you are getting the full recommended dose of Citrulline Malate for workouts.

Betaine Trimethylglycine Anhydrous

What is Betaine Trimethylglycine ("TMG")?

TMG is a derivative of the amino acid, Glycine.  It is commonly found in beets, whole grains, spinach and shellfish.  It is also made by the body via choline containing compounds. 

What does it do?

Its primary function is to increase water retention in our cells.  High TMG concentrations can help make our cells more resilient to stress. It can also help lower blood vessel inflammation, and help our bodies synthesize Creatine.

Why do we use TMG Anhydrous and not TMG Hcl?

TMG Hcl is commonly used as fish food or for low stomach acid related digestion issues.  Be sure the TMG you’re using is TMG Anhydrous, which is what we use for our products.

How much should I take?

Most studies have shown that supplementation with 2.5g of TMG per day split into morning and evening doses were most effective, including increasing muscle strength, power and endurance.  A study by the National Institute of Health showed that 6 weeks of supplementation with TMG increased the subjects’ arm size, bench press capacity, and improved their power. [3]

Life Nation’s Pro Series Pre-Workout uses a sufficient amount to meet your daily needs.

Huperzine A

What is Beta Alanine?

Beta Alanine is a non-essential amino acid, meaning we produce it in our bodies, found in skeletal muscles.  It is also found in deep-sea species of fish, and beef, pork or poultry. 

What does it do?

Beta Alanine increases the carnosine concentrations in your body, which counteract the lactic acid that builds up when working out, allowing your muscles to work more efficiently.  Beta Alanine has been shown to improve muscular endurance, including during high-intensity cardio exercises, like sprinting or rowing, and also to reduce fatigue.  It has also been shown to allow bodybuilders to perform 1 or 2 additional reps when weight training.

How much should I take?

Beta Alanine needs to be supplemented for weeks in order for you to see results.  The recommended dosage for supplementation is 2g – 5g per day.  

Life Nation’s Pro Series Pre-Workout includes a sufficient amount of Beta Alanine to meet your workout needs.


Everyone knows and most likely uses caffeine in one form or another on most days to give you that “pick me up” to get your morning started.  Caffeine is used in a wide variety of products, some of which you may not even be aware that contain caffeine.  It is important to know how much caffeine you are taking from all sources, and when adding caffeine, start with a very small amount until you know how much you can tolerate.[4]

What does Caffeine do?

When used in the correct amount, caffeine can assist with concentration and with losing weight by giving you more energy throughout your day.

How much should I take?

Recommended maximum dosage of caffeine is 400mg per day for most adults.

Life Nation’s Pro Series Pre-Workout contains 300mg of Caffeine per serving to help you have a good workout.

Try Life Nation's

and you’ll find you have more energy

for longer periods of time, more focus,

and no jitters or crashes after, 

for an improved physical performance!

Are you tired of the crash you get after using your pre-workout?

Are you scared to use pre-workout because you’re afraid of getting the “jitters”?      

Do you want more focus and energy to train harder & longer?

Have you noticed your supplements contain artificial colors, flavors, fillers or sweeteners?

Do you work out hard to be healthy, and don’t want to put cancer-causing chemicals back into your body?

If you said “Yes” to any of these questions,

our Pro Series Pre-workout is for you!

Our Pro Series Pre-workout supplements are scientifically formulated to help to limit fatigue during workouts, boost muscle power, and pump more blood to the muscles during your workouts for longer, stronger sessions to help you reach your goals!

We scientifically formulated our products, and source our ingredients from the USA, so we know what goes into every single scoop, including:


What is Creatine?

Creatine is natural supplement used to boost athletic performance, and one of the safest sports supplements available.  It can boost brain performance, help fight certain neurological diseases, improve exercise performance and accelerate muscle growth. 

How does Creatine work?

Creatine works by increasing the muscle cell size through increased cell hydration, lowering myostatin levels, increasing muscle growth potential. It enables more total work or volume in a single training session, a key factor in long-term muscle growth.

Who can use Creatine?

Supplementing with Creatine is not just for bodybuilders – other athletes can benefit from it as well, like swimmers, tennis, skiing, wrestling, boxing, kickboxing, football or soccer players.  Creatine supplementation can increase your strength, power and muscle size, making it useful for sports athletes.  It allows for maximum muscle output on short 30 second bursts, making it great for weight training. Stronger pumps = bigger muscles.

How much should I take?

Experts say Creatine can give you the most benefit with supplemented through a “loading phase” of 20g – 25g per day for Week 1; then a “maintenance phase” of 2.5g – 5g per day. 

Life Nation’s Pro Series Pre-Workout contains 2.5g of Creatine per serving, the perfect amount to help you with your daily maintenance phase.


What is Taurine?

Taurine is a naturally occurring amino acid found in many foods like shellfish, and found in several organs within the body.  It is directly responsible for maintaining your electrolyte balance in your cells, aiding in digestion, helping to reduce blood pressure, supporting the function of your central nervous system and eyes, and regulating your immune system health. 

It’s an essential amino acid, meaning we make it ourselves within our bodies, but not enough quantities to support our hard workouts.

How does Taurine work?

Besides some of its other great health benefits, Taurine can cause muscles to work harder and longer, reducing fatigue and muscle damage during a workout. It also helps to increase fat burning during exercise, up to 16% more in one study by the National Institute of Health[1], and there is less muscle soreness after exercising by removing the toxic acid buildup faster.

How much should I take?

The dosage for Taurine supplementation can be anywhere from 500mg-3,000mg per day.

Life Nation’s Pro Series Pre-Workouts contain 500mg of Taurine per serving.

Citrulline Malate

What is Citrulline Malate?

Citrulline is an amino acid produced by the body and also found in some fruits and vegetables likes watermelon and cucumbers.

How does it work?

It plays an important role in exercise as part of the urea cycle, ridding your body of harmful compounds. Citrulline also helps widen your blood vessels, lower blood pressure, and increase blood flow. It is also converted in the body to Arginine, which is converted into nitric-oxide, expanding your blood vessels for stronger pumps.

Citrulline can also increase growth hormone after exercising.[2]

Why do we combine Citrulline with Malic Acid?

Citrulline supplements come in two forms: Citrulline, by itself, and Citrulline combined with Malic Acid (Citrulline Malate). We prefer this form of the supplement because it increases nitric-oxide, which allows increases blood flow allowing for stronger pumps, and is thought to increase nutrient delivery to the cells and clear waste products that are related to fatigue, decreasing muscle soreness after a good workout.

How much should I take?

The recommended dosage of Citrulline supplements for weight training is 8g/day.

Life Nation’s Pro Series Pre-Workout contains 6g of Citrulline Malate per serving. When combined with our BCAA intra-workout drink, you are getting the full recommended dose of Citrulline Malate for workouts.

Betaine Trimethylglycine Anhydrous

What is Betaine Trimethylglycine ("TMG")?

TMG is a derivative of the amino acid, Glycine.  It is commonly found in beets, whole grains, spinach and shellfish.  It is also made by the body via choline containing compounds. 

What does it do?

Its primary function is to increase water retention in our cells.  High TMG concentrations can help make our cells more resilient to stress. It can also help lower blood vessel inflammation, and help our bodies synthesize Creatine.

Why do we use TMG Anhydrous and not TMG Hcl?

TMG Hcl is commonly used as fish food or for low stomach acid related digestion issues.  Be sure the TMG you’re using is TMG Anhydrous, which is what we use for our products.

How much should I take?

Most studies have shown that supplementation with 2.5g of TMG per day split into morning and evening doses were most effective, including increasing muscle strength, power and endurance.  A study by the National Institute of Health showed that 6 weeks of supplementation with TMG increased the subjects’ arm size, bench press capacity, and improved their power. [3]

Life Nation’s Pro Series Pre-Workout uses a sufficient amount to meet your daily needs.

Huperzine A

What is Beta Alanine?

Beta Alanine is a non-essential amino acid, meaning we produce it in our bodies, found in skeletal muscles.  It is also found in deep-sea species of fish, and beef, pork or poultry. 

What does it do?

Beta Alanine increases the carnosine concentrations in your body, which counteract the lactic acid that builds up when working out, allowing your muscles to work more efficiently.  Beta Alanine has been shown to improve muscular endurance, including during high-intensity cardio exercises, like sprinting or rowing, and also to reduce fatigue.  It has also been shown to allow bodybuilders to perform 1 or 2 additional reps when weight training.

How much should I take?

Beta Alanine needs to be supplemented for weeks in order for you to see results.  The recommended dosage for supplementation is 2g – 5g per day.  

Life Nation’s Pro Series Pre-Workout includes a sufficient amount of Beta Alanine to meet your workout needs.


Everyone knows and most likely uses caffeine in one form or another on most days to give you that “pick me up” to get your morning started.  Caffeine is used in a wide variety of products, some of which you may not even be aware that contain caffeine.  It is important to know how much caffeine you are taking from all sources, and when adding caffeine, start with a very small amount until you know how much you can tolerate.[4]

What does Caffeine do?

When used in the correct amount, caffeine can assist with concentration and with losing weight by giving you more energy throughout your day.

How much should I take?

Recommended maximum dosage of caffeine is 400mg per day for most adults.

Life Nation’s Pro Series Pre-Workout contains 300mg of Caffeine per serving to help you have a good workout.

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